Monday, March 10, 2025

Julian Marottolo - Vivian Maier Photographs

 A student talks on the phone while relaxing on the University of Maryland campus on March 10, 2025. 

Julian Marottolo catches his reflection inside his room before heading to out on March 9, 2025.

While waiting for the elevator, Julian Marottolo catches his reflection while looking out over the quiet campus at the University of Maryland on March 9, 2025.

An older man casually takes his time as he walks around exploring the University of Maryland on March 10, 2025. 

A student takes in the sun as he walks to class on the University of Maryland campus on March 10, 2025. 

Vivian Maier Style Photoshoot - Miah Duncan


ShayShay laying down after playing at Pop's Tattoos on March 7, 2025, in Silver Spring, MD.
A man leaning on a truck on March 8, 2025, in Layhill, MD.

Shadow of Miah Duncan at Stamp Student Union on March 5, 2025, in College Park, MD. 

Woman sitting on a bench at Tawes Hall on March 5, 2025, in College Park, MD.

Portrait of Miah Duncan replicating Vivian Maier's photograph on March 10, 2025, in Wheaton, MD. 

Anika Stikeleather - Vivian Maier

Owner of D'Tati Dominican Hair Salon poses outside the salon window on Falls Rd. in Baltimore City on the evening of March. 9, 2025.  

Flowers taped to a street post along Falls Rd. on the evening of March. 9, 2025.  

Employee smokes while on break outside Bella-Roma Pizza in Hampden on the evening of March. 9, 2025. 

Family walks along Falls Rd. on the evening of March. 9, 2025. 

A man prepares to cross the street in Hampden, Baltimore on the evening of March. 9, 2025. 


Vivian Maier - Dariana Guzman


Vivian Maier mock photograph - Beltsville, Md. 
Post car crash in Wheaton, Md. Two individuals wait outside while police is at the scene.   
Man walking towards parking lot, looking back - College Park, Md. 
Student waiting for his ride outside of Tawes - College Park, Md. 
Attempt to replicate Vivian Maier at the school of journalism - College Park, Md. 

vivian maier - faith harris


Lena LaJoy adjusts her camera at McKeldin Mall on March 10, 2025.

A student relaxes on his computer on McKeldin Mall on March 10, 2025. 
Lily Benco stares off at McKeldin Mall on March 10, 2025.

Lena LaJoy walks around McKeldin Mall on March 10, 2025. 

A student studies on McKeldin Mall on March 10, 2025. 

Elizabeth Faragi - Vivian Maier Hw Assignment


Student walking near Johnson-Whittle Hall at the University of Maryland on Monday, March 10. 

Student on a bike outside Yahentamitsi Dining Hall at the University of Maryland. 
Student walking outside Yahentamitsi Dining Hall at the University of Maryland. 

Student waiting for the bus at a bus stop at the University of Maryland. 

Student in wheelchair outside of Johnson-Whittle Hall at the University of Maryland. 

Student studying outside Eppley Recreation Center at the University of Maryland. 

Student throwing a baseball on La Plata Beach at the University of Maryland. 

Vivian Maier -- Lena LaJoy


Student stands outside Tawes Hall at the University of Maryland on March 10, 2025. 


Students sit in McKeldin Mall and work on homework at the University of Maryland on March 10, 2025.

Student sits on the grass in McKeldin Mall doing homework at the University of Maryland on March 10, 2025.

Student walks across McKeldin Mall on his phone at the University of Maryland on March 10, 2025.

Student lays on her backpack and reads a book in McKeldin Mall at the University of Maryland on March 10, 2025.

Vivian Maier-Clare Roth


A couple stands, holding hands, at a bus stop in front of Tawes Hall on March 4, 2025.

A student sits on a bench in front of Chincoteague Hall looking out onto McKeldin Mall on March 9, 2025. 

3 students film a video outside of McKeldin library on March 9, 2025. 
A student looks at their watch while sitting outside of  Adele H. Stamp Student Union on March 9, 2025. 

2 students walk up some stairs on McKeldin Mall on March 9, 2025.  

2 students walk together, laughing, in front of H.J. Patterson Hall on March 9, 2025.

Vivian Maier


A couple entering California pizza Washingtonian rio on March 11, 2025

3 people wait outside an 'it's sugar on in the Washingtonian rio on March 11, 2025

 Vivian Maier replica in the Washingtonian Rio on March 11, 2025

 A family leaving AMC movie theaters at Washingtonian Rio on March 11, 2025.
Young couple looking at the menu at Washingtonian Rio on March 11, 2025.


lily benco - vivian maier


Dogs playfully fight on Mckeldin Mall at the University of Maryland on March 10, 2025. 

Two student study on McKeldin Mall at the University of Maryland on March 10, 2025. 
A student sits outside of McKeldin libarary at the University of Maryland on March 10, 2025. 
A man lays on the fountain of McKeldin Mall at the University of Maryland on March 10, 2025. 

A student lays on McKeldin Mall at the University of Maryland on March 10, 2025.